Saturday, January 2, 2021

Do you want the Good news or Bad news?

Do you want the Good news or Bad news?

For most of my life I have to admit I had an addiction: I have always been addicted to the news. Since my 20's I had to watch the nightly news every night and know what was going on in the world! Later I had Fox News on most the day and later found myself with a dozen news apps on my phone and iPad and spent hours checking up on anything new! But five years ago the Lord spoke to me about how a lying spirit has invaded the main stream media! He reminded me of the story of Micaiah in the Bible when God told the prophet that he had allow a lying spirit to speak through the mouths of the prophets in order to persuade King Ahab to go to war so that he would be killed. Over 400 prophets told Ahab that he would be victorious in war but only the prophet Micaiah told him the truth that he would die in battle. For his troubles the prophet was slapped in the face and thrown in jail.

When Trump ran for office the press derided him and when he was inaugurated they began to attack him. Trump exposed CNN as fake news because they were lying and making things up. Over the course of his presidency it became obvious that all three networks and much of cable news was overtly bias against Trump and used the news outlets to be the propaganda outlet of the left and Democratic party. Due to personnel changes in the management even Fox news turned against Trump and conservatives.

It got to where I did not want to watch the lies anymore but then there was my news addiction. They said it takes 28 days to break an addiction or 28 days to start a new habit. I quit watching the news for a month. I found out that I did not need the negativity and depression the nightly news purports. I found out there were much more reliable sources online. Now, I never watch the news. They have become like the False prophet in the end-times that gives power and honor to the Beast. We are seeing an example of the Antichrist spirit opposing righteousness and deceiving for the sake of power. The media is firmly in the hands of those who hold to darkness. This is not just a party but a principality and spiritual and demonic power. Ultimately the concept of socialism, globalism and totalitarianism will have to take over to allow the true Antichrist to come into power. Trump stayed that spirit for awhile pushing nationalism and Judaeo-christian moralism but a corrupt shadow government is following their master whom Jesus said has come to “STEAL, kill and destroy”. Hitler's charisma conned himself into power but his propaganda machine kept him there!

It has been said that God is judging this nation but will start with the church. Many Christians are complicit with opposing God's choice for their own party or offense! Churches have built their mega structures like the cathedrals of old but are lifeless or religious inside! I believe judgment is happening simultaneous to both the church and the nation! 9/11 took down the hedge of protection over this nation and enabled the newly formed TSA to start taking away freedoms for the sake of safety. Obama opened up the floodgates physically and spiritually by emboldening Islam and dividing the country through racism weakening our nation in the eyes of the world. Covid 19 shut down society including the churches. The mega structures came to a halt and the government took more freedoms away for the sake of safety: lock-downs, mandated masks and vaccines. The election was no doubt stolen for the evidence is overwhelming if you can look past the main stream media! But the outcome is yet to play out. If lawlessness and corrupt politicians on both sides and powerless pulpits are allowed to continue then 2020 was not just a bad year but I sign of things to come. I urge Preachers to return to teaching the scriptures and Christians to get right with God. God allows good or evil to fall upon the land depending on the condition of its people! Meanwhile saints, turn off the news and pray!

see the article: "The Media’s Four-Year War Against the Trump Presidency"

1 comment:

  1. Jerry Lee,I agree with you 100%.Now that's a switch.Love you son.
