Tuesday, September 8, 2020




In the Bible we see the Multitudes and the Mob! The multitudes followed Jesus to the wilderness to hear his teachings and learn from the Messiah and teacher of Love! He had compassion on them and fed them spiritual and physical food. But in the end there was the Mob. They yelled and mocked him as he was beaten and cried out for Barabbas, a thief to be released instead of Jesus. The Mob was stirred up by the Pharisees to falsely accuse Jesus and then the multitude cried out Crucify him.

Today we also see both the multitude and the mob mentalities. On one hand we have the multitude of law abiding citizens who want to live in peace and yet we see the mob taken over cities looting, defacing property, vandalizing and causing chaos and destruction in their wake. We see a multitude of cops serving to protect the citizens with their lives, but the mob wants to incite hatred against all of them because of a few bad apples! The multitude seek out the truth but the media mob lie, distort the truth and set aside any impartiality to perpetuate their propaganda.

Moses brought out a multitude from Egypt to worship God in the wilderness and yet while he was on top of Mount Sinai receiving the Law of God, a mob of disenfranchised and wicked people were provoking the people to sin and worship a false God. They were breaking the 10 commandments even as Moses was receiving them from the hand of God! Sadly it only takes a small handful of wicked people to corrupt the many. That is why Jesus said a little leaven leavens the lump!

You have a choice, just as the people of Jesus day had a choice to rail against him or follow him. You can listen to the party-controlled media mob or follow the truth. You can chose to not be incited by the mob or be apart of the multitude who will not be pulled into Satan's destruction! The radical left want to bully, intimidate, mock, and tear down this great society! The righteous must stand up and no longer be the silent majority! The multitude of seekers hunger for order not lawlessness, truth not fake news, peace and not destruction, cities that are built up not torn down. Just as those who stood before a beaten and bloodied Jesus had to cast a vote for or against him, so we must as a multitude cast our vote for what is right and good and ultimately turn back to the Prince of peace who will in the end reward the mob according to their deeds!

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