My House a House of Prayer
by Jerry Wall
My House shall be called a
house of Prayer (Isaiah
56:7)(Matt. 21:13)
2:42-43- “And
they continued stedfastly in the apostles' teaching
in the breaking
of bread and
the prayers. And
fear came upon every soul: and many wonders
and signs
done through the apostles.
- Teaching (doctrine or instruction) – administration of the Word.
- Fellowship (GRK Kkoinonia) – fellowship, community, joint participation and sharing, jointly contributing.
- Breaking of bread Consecrated loaves of bread shared in communion and love feasts. Represents sacraments (Baptism and Communion, liturgy, christian tradition).
- Prayers- Prayer addressed to God in ernest. Open worship.
The hour of prayer:
- Daniel prayed 3 times a day on his knees (Daniel 6:10)
- Psalms says Davis prayed 3 times a day; Psalm 55:11- evening morning and noon
- Psalm 119:164- says David praised God 7 times a day.
- The Jews traditionally to fix three times a day for prayer: The third, sixthth and ninth hour (9 pm,3 pm and 3 pm Sundown
Jewish Time
- First Hour-daybreak (6:00 a.m.).(Sunrise)
Dawn- Jesus before the priests
- Third Hour-mid-morning (9:00 a.m.) Morning
Sacrifice NW corner of altar (sun east to west)- PRAYER
- Sixth Hour-mid-day (12:00 pm noon) –
PRAYER -Judgement of Jesus
by Pilate (Behold your king)
- Ninth Hour mid-afternoon (3:00 p.m.)
-Evening Sacrifice NE corner of the altar (Sun west to east)-
watch-cock crowed (Jesus Crucified)
- Twelth Hour-6:00 pm.)-1st watch (Sunset)
- Third Hour-(9:00 pm.) - 2nd
watch (darkness from 9pm to midnight) Lunar eclipse
- Sixth Hour-(12:00 am) -3rd Watch (darkness)
Midnight when Angel of Death in Egypt)
- Ninth Hour-(3:00 am.)- 4th
watch-cock crow-”My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? “
- Peter and John went down to the temple at the “hour of Prayer” (the ninth hour-3pm) when they encountered the lame man.
- Church History confirms that according to Clement in the 2nd century many in Alexandria were observing the same three hours of prayer.
- 60 ad -the Didach, - the oldest known liturgical manual for Christians, recommended disciples to pray the Lord's Prayer three times a day
- Many monastic groups still practice this such as the benictine
Jesus asked his disciples to pray for
an hour but they kept falling asleep
During the 10 day week after the
ascension the disciples went back to Jerusalem to the upper room and
prayed. (Acts 1:14) until the Holy spirit fell on the Day of
Pentecost. Many want the acts 2 experience without the Acts 1
preparation through prayer. The want the signs and wonders, the
tongues and miracles but dont want to seek, inquire and wait upon
God. Pray Brought them to the point of receiving. It brought them to
unity (They were in one accord). We may not be unified in doctrine or
teaching. We may not get along with everyone in fellowship. We may
have diferent liturgies and traditions, ut the one thing we can be
unified in is prayer.
“Ye have not because you ask not”
“Whatsoever you ask I my name.”
“Ask, seek and Find and you will”
“Call on me and I will show you great
and mighty things, which you know not of.”
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