Tale of Two Trumps!
It is amazing how there is a dichotomy of the two portrayals of Trump! I liken it to the difference between a Photograph and a Painting. The photograph is nearly an exact representation of what you see. A Painting is an artists interpretation of what HE sees! A Photo captures the reality of the moment with its natural light and color. A painting has the artists paint his interpretation of reality by mixing his own colors freely distorting the image into whatever he wishes!. The Photograph is objective and has little interpretation! It is what you see is what you get! A painting however, is very subjective. You may not like the style, the colors, and you can love or hate it. A photo is extremely simple and takes a second to take. Whereas it takes a long time for an artist to paint a portrait on canvass because he has to build layer and layers of lies (er, paint) to achieve his masterpiece!!
The people who were sick of swamp politics of both parties loved Trump because like a photo he was real, authentic and simply wanted to instill national pride again instead of the global agendas of his predecessors. The photo of Trump was taken by the people and captured his doggedness, sincerity and hard work to make the country great again! The painting of Trump however, was painted by the news media, Hollywood elites, liberal lefties and Democrats. They exaggerated his image by painted broad strokes in hues of hate and portrayed him in the worst possible image they could. It showed as much of the madness of the artist as the distortion of the subject! The tale of the two Trumps is is a proclivity of seeing what one sees or what one is told to see! The image of trump, like the Photo and painting was a war between the man and the myth; the truth against a fake media that distorted his words and exaggerated his actions. It was truth against a false Russian collusion drummed up by entrenched and hateful politicians that painted him not as one who loves his country but one who betrayed it! It was a photo of a fixer against a painting of a faker. Sadly those who have seen only the painting will never see the real man. They have been told to see this evil man, when the evil is the deed perpetuated on themselves by a deviant artist.
Satan has done the same thing with Jesus and God. He has blinded the minds of mankind and distorted the truth so than men might believe a lie. Perhaps we are starting the see the preparation for the lawless one: The Anti-Christ must be set up in a global government controlled environment and we have now turned our nation into the headwinds of that coming storm! God help us!
“The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.“ 2 Thess. 9-12
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