Friday, February 7, 2020

Five Reasons I Believe Trump was Chosen by God

One: The Divine Intervention of the Election
The election was so unexpected it had to be supernatural! All the polls had Hillary winning. All the news outlets were predicting and expecting Clinton to win. When Trump won it stunned the country to the point that liberals were crying in the streets and declaring that he was not their president. But people were tired of political corruption and decided a businessman might get the country out of the economical quagmire we were in! Christians were predominately for Trump because he held a pro-life and pro Christian position. Did God supernaturally put it in the hearts of Republican Christians to vote for him to change the direction of the country? Many so called liberal and democrat Christians were appalled and yet somehow did not see the contrast of the alternative choice. Hillary and the Clintons had a long-time history of corruption! She was called a Jezebel in many Christian circles because she seemed to seek dominion, control and personal power rather than the welfare of the nation! Today many christians who dislike Trump fail to see the disaster it would have been to have elected Hillary. Many at the time were saying that after Obama’s reign of pushing gay rights and placating to the Muslim world that we were at a tipping point spiritually. Many people prayed and many believe God intervened!

“He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.” Daniel 2:21

Two: The Supernatural Protection of Trump!
No president has been more maligned, attacked, lied about and falsely accused then Trump! From the time he was elected there has been a coordinated plan to remove him from office. It has been revealed that for two and a half years the  Russian Hoax was orchestrated, planned and  paid for by Hillary and the democratic party and to make worse the State department and FBI colluded and obtained an illegal FISA warrant to spy on Trump. After being falsely accused of using Putin and the Russians to affect his election and being falsely maligned by a fake Dossier from a dismissed British spy (which was paid for by an opposition group to Trump), the Mueller investigation found Trump innocent. Then a malicious impeachment hoax by the House Democrats failed after falsely accusing him of High Crimes and Treason. The pressure of such attacks and so many attempts to destroy him and his presidency must have been immense but only a divine protection and intervention can explain coming through such an ordeal unscathed! Like Haman in the bible trying to destroy the Jews who winds up hanging on the very gallows he built for them, so the attempts of viciously trying to bring the president down has backfired on those who fought against god’s anointed! Mueller and Barr vindicated the president and it exposed the sources and intent of the deep state and hurt the reputations of Comey and others who sought to bring him down. The impeachment fiasco sought to remove him from office for wanting to delve into corruption in Ukraine but it ended up revealing the corruption of Joe Bidden and his son and instead of trying to bring down Trump prior to the election his approval rating actually went up Higher than ever before after his acquittal and Biden’s went down when more was revealed about him. Nancy Pelosi gave into pressure by the Democrats and to impeach him but after Trump’s SOTU speech she tore up her copy of the speech and soiled her reputation among both parties and many Americans. Everything backfires when you unjust and falsely bully your opponent! Again, it seems like God protected the president as he did Esther and the Jews.

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

Three: The Prosperity and Blessing of the Nation under Trump!
The contrast between Obama, (who was more Muslim then Christian, who sought to elevate gay rights, abortion, was a globalist who could not even say the word radical terrorist) and Trump a nationalist who loves the country, sought to build up the military, destroyed ISIS, restored the economy, reduce unemployment and fights against abortion, could not be more different! Obama seemed to want to tear down America and make it look bad to the other nations by apology tours and bowing to Saudi princes. Trump’s motto was to make America great again and in just three years he increased jobs and lowered unemployment to a third of Obamas economy. Obama said Trump would need a magic wand to better the economy, but he had ministers come pray for him and his administration and used his business savvy to reduce government regulations, lower taxes and fight for reasonable trade deals. He caused a surge in the stock market and increased American Jobs. America was now prospering and being blessed as never before. I believe this increase and blessing is from God for him being a man who tries to do what’s right for the people and not just for the politicians of Washington. Nearly everyone is better off than they were under Obama but so many have short memories. The Bible shows that God blesses a nation when its leaders are godly and curses it when they are evil. The old testament kings of Israel are an example of this!

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” Psalms 1–41

Four: The Pro-Israel and Pro-Christian Position of this President!
God blesses those you bless Israel. Trump has been the most pro-Israel president since Truman. He is the first to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the embassy there when all other presidents promised to do so but did not because of fear of blowback from the Arab nations. Trump has stood with Netanyahu and ensured Israel that we will be their closest ally. He recently offered a compromised middle east plan with a two-state solution that would give the Palestine some land and their own sovereignty if they acknowledge the state of Israel and Jerusalem as its capital. Trump choose a dedicated Christian as a vice president and has sought out Christian pastors as advisors and prayer warriors for him and his administration. He unlike Obama attends the presidential prayer breakfasts and has passed into law religious freedom laws to protect Christians from lawsuits from the gay community. He has pushed for an end to late term abortions and was the first president to attend a right to life rally in DC. I believe God has blessed him not because he exemplifies a Christian life but because he seeks out the welfare of God’s people both Jew and Christian.

“And I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Gen.12:3

Five: The Exposure and Uncovering that has Occurred under Trump!
The Bible says that that which is hid shall be revealed and that which is in darkness will come to light. Another reason why I believe God has chosen Trump is because his presidency has done more to uncover corruption, immorality and political evil than anyone else. First, the nomination of Trump began to uncover the evils of Hillary Clinton. Scandals such as an illegal server with classified documents and the destroying of those documents, Benghazi, the corruption of the Clinton foundation and much more began to surface. The Clintons were blazoned with scandal and corruption with terms lake Travelgate, Chinagate, Filegate and pardongate! The election of Trump revealed the previous corruption of Obama and Biden with things like Fast and Furious, the Iran scandal of billions of money given to our enemy, the weaponizing of the state department and far left leaning of the FBI. The Trump election exposed for the first time the democratic strong hold of the mainstream media, its bias and leftist propaganda against conservativism. Trump expose the “Fake news” and the manipulation of the media to persuade the people to their own bias. Trump revealed the hatred of the Hollywood elites and their superficialities concerning Christian and conservative values! They too have increased a liberal propagation of ungodliness on TV and movies with an agenda to push homosexuality, promiscuity, transgenderism and anti-Christian morals. Even a Superbowl halftime is not fit to be watched by kids. Trumps election has revealed a democratic party the seeks power over provision for the American people. They have developed into a radical socialistic entity that seeks control and contrivance and whether its guns or babies, they want to dictate the rules. Trumps election has brought to the light the political darkness that has been living in DC for decades. I believe God has chosen Trump to bring the dross to the surface. He has exposed corruption, bias, bigotry and hatred and unveiled how many people have been entrapped by deception just as Jesus said would happen in the last days. He has revealed the swamp and had not Trump been elected and chosen by God, all things would of continued and remained hidden and America would of ended up as Sodom and Gomorrah and the nations overthrown by God for their wickedness.

There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.” Luke 12:2-3 2

The question is: is this a rescue from judgement or just a temporary reprieve. Sadly, too many Christians are democrats first and Christians second. They have bought into the media lie and are filled with hate and distain for a man without seeing the bigger picture. They are following the masses in the crowd either crying out “crucify him!” or standing idly aside afraid to speak out or come to his defense. If Trump is reelected which is highly likely, we get four more years of Trump and unfortunately far more plots to take him down. Many Christians had great distain for Obama and saw through his phoniness, but they never had the vitriol and hate that has been shown Trump and believe me Obama was far more evil. But after Trump, what will happen. God has blessed this nation with a president that seeks the good of this nation but will we as Christians be grateful or despiteful. Will we pray for righteousness that exalts a nation or allow the wicked and powerful to take the nation’s reigns again. The bible says pray for those in power who have authority that you might live peaceable. Pray for our president. Whether he is saved is between him and God but that certainly does not mean that God can’t use him! God used Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, Joseph’s Pharaoh and other unbelievers to bless God’s people, but we must seek the hand of God lest we receive the person we choose rather than the one God chooses for us!

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