Thursday, December 22, 2022

Warriors or Worriers


Divide and conqueror is the mantra of Satan. We see it happening here in America and division is distraction thus in he did it also in Israel. When the people of Israel were about to go into the promised land Moses sent twelve leaders to spy out the land. When they came back, ten of them brought back a negative report while two of them, Caleb and Joshua, were ready to go conquer the land. Moses said:

Go up there into the Negev. Then go up into the hill country. See what the land is like. See if the people who live in it are strong or weak, and if they are few or many. Find out if the land they live in is good or bad. See if the cities they live in are open or if they have walls. Find out if the land is rich or poor, and if there are trees in it or not. Then try to get some of the fruit of the land.” Numbers 13:17-20

After 40 days they returned and ten of the spies said:

We went to the land where you sent us. It does flow with milk and honey. This is its fruit. But the people who live in the land are strong. The cities have walls and are very large. And we saw the children of Anak there. Amalek is living in the land of the Negev. The Hittites and Jebusites and Amorites are living in the hill country. And the Canaanites are living by the sea and by the side of the Jordan.” Numbers 13:27-29

These spies were worriers. They saw the strong people, the giants, the fortified cities and large walls and and went on to say:

We are not able to go against the people. They are too strong for us.” So they brought the people of Israel bad news about the land they had spied out, saying, “The land we have gone to spy out is a land that destroys those who go there to live. All the people we saw in it are very large. We saw the Nephilim there. (The sons of Anak are part of the Nephilim.) We looked like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.” Numbers 13:31-33

Joshua and Caleb however were warriors. Caleb said:

“Let us go up at once and take the land. For we are well able to take it in battle.” verse 30

We are either warriors or worriers. Two men were motivated by faith and ten were motivated by fear, The ten saw the obstacles and the two say the opportunities. The ten saw the problems but the two saw the promise of God. Two saw the large fruit as proof of the goodness of the land. Ten saw sour grapes and the fruitlessness of going to war. The result of the spies' doubts resulted in every tribe dying in the wilderness and now being forbidden into the promises land. Joshua and Caleb despite being in the minority were the only ones allowed to enter in. They fought for the land and later on were blessed for their faith. Joshua went on to be the servant and then successor of Moses and Caleb was given the city of Hebron, a city of refuge in Judah as his inheritance. This was the burial place of Abraham and the patriarchs. Caleb was a warrior till the end. God blessed Caleb with strength in his old age:

As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in.”Joshua 14:11

We are called to be warriors not worriers. When God sends us to battle, it is not to loose but win. Worrying is a bi-product of fear and fear paralyzes and stops us in our tracks. Faith moves us forward in confidence knowing that the battle is the Lords but the victory is ours! Shalom!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Is the Oil Light on!


Is the Oil Light On! 

Have you ever had that scary orange oil light go on in your car? It indicates that the oil in your car is getting low. If you ignore it then you can severely damage the vehicle because oil lubricates so many parts of the engine. Sometimes you need to add oil because its getting low and sometimes you will need an oil change. That’s when you have to get rid of the old dirty oil and replace it with new oil.

The Bible uses oil as a type of the Holy Spirit. The Jews used olive oil mixed with certain spices to anoint Kings and priests. Jesus said he was anointed by the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:18, Acts. 10:38). Oil was also used medicinally to cleans wounds (Luke 10:34).

Oil was very valuable and precious because it was used for so many things like cooking and lighting lamps for light.

Elisha performed a miracle by multiplying a widows last possession, a flask of oil, and pouring it into many vessels so she could sell it to pay her creditors and live off the proceeds.  (2 Kings 4)

In all this we see the many functions of the Holy Spirit. It anoints us, cleanses us, fills us up and gives us light, and flows out from us to be poured into others. This is why Jesus said to his disciples to not begin their ministries until they were endued with power from on high. This referred to the Holy Spirit that would come on them on the Day of Pentecost.

 “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.”  Luke 24:49

The Holy Spirit is essential to the Christian Life:

Christians need to be anointed and led by the Holy Spirit. (Gal.5:18)

Christians need to be taught by the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 2:10).

The Holy Spirit bears witness to us being the children of God. (Rom: 8:16)

The Holy Spirit is our advocate, helper and comforter. (John 14:16:26)


So again, I say: “Has the oil light come on?” Are you in danger of damaging your spiritual engine because of neglect? Is the work of the Spirit become diminished in your witness. Is the light of Christ getting dimmer in your life?

The Ten Virgins

Jesus warned us in the parable of the 10 virgins that in the last days just before his coming, Fifty percent of Christians will run out of oil! (Matt. 25:1-13) Five out of the 10 virgins were called foolish because even though they had their lamps, they had no oil to light them with.

I have a small terracotta oil lamb from Israel that is probably very similar to the ones used in Jesus' day! It is useless unless oil is poured into it to be lit. The five wise virgins trimmed their lamps (added wick and lit them) and then went to meet the bridegroom but the five foolish ones stumbled in the dark trying to buy new oil but when they came to the Wedding Feast, the door was shut, and it was too late.

We are in the last days and evil has never been greater. The Bible tells of abounding iniquity and perilous times and the increase of sin and godlessness. The world can take its toll even on the strongest of Christians (Matt. 24:24). So, all the more we need the power of the Holy Spirit to protect us, keep us righteous before him and strengthen us for these difficult times!

Has the red light come on in this generation? Have fifty percent of Christians lost their oil? Are half of the Church void of the Spirit? Are half the people sitting in pews just empty of God’s Spirit and simply going through the motions with religious pretentions?

I read recently in a highly regarded publication that for the first time in America’s history the Church is diminishing in converts. They even have a name for it: “Nonverts”. Not only are fewer people getting saved but more Christians are either abandoning their faith or compromising their biblical standards by embracing the gay lifestyle, evolution and abortion.

I believe God is signaling that the oil light has come on. Before its too late, many need to add more of that oil to their lives in order to shine their light in this dark world. Some other Christians need a complete oil change because theirs is old, dirty and defiled. Come! God is gracious. Let him cleans you, and fill you again so that you may be a vessel fit for the Masters use!



Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Dual Mindset of Christians


Christians live with two mindsets: worldliness or a heavenly mindset. Paul told us to

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” Col.3:2 KJV

Most other translations say, “Set your mind on things above,” thus a mindset.

Christians live on the earth but nevertheless are to focus on heavenly things. Materialism, worldly possessions, fame, position or status, and even overly pursuing prosperity should not be the mindset of Christians. There is nothing wrong with having nice things or living a comfortable or successful life on earth, but Paul's warning is to not put our affections on earthly things but heavenly things. The apostle John said the same thing:

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” 1 John 2:15

It is important to understand that we are in the world but not of the world. We exist in the world, but we are in the kingdom of God. Jesus, referring to believers said:

They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” John 17:16


There are several reasons why worldliness and world mindedness are dangerous rather than heavenly mindedness.

  • First the World has been corrupted by sin whereas Heaven is untouched by sin and is perfect.

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” 1 John 2:16

  • The world rejected Jesus:

He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” John 1:10

  • The word opposes Christians as it opposed Jesus:

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” John 15:19

I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” John 17:14

  • The world is full of trouble and hardship:

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

  • Satan is the God and ruler of the world:

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2 Cor. 4:4

  • The world is the enemy of God!

Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” James 4:4


The world is not just a physical place. It is more than the earth, a planet. It is a system. It is the governing power of our existence when we live on the earth. Heaven is completely ruled by God and the power of his love, but earth is run by an opposing system of selfishness, sin and corruptness. Paul implied this in Colossians:

Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances.” Col. 2:20

The earthly principles of life and governing laws or ordinances do not govern us but the laws of heaven and principles of Christ. We are to be heavenly minded not earthly minded because we not only place our affections there but derive our laws and principles from there. When we are saved, we become citizens of heaven (Phil.3:20) and therefore must walk with our focus on heaven and not earth. Jesus even told us to focus on heavenly treasures not earthly ones:

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:19-21

Our existence on earth should not be viewed as temporal (worldly) but temporary! 

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Cor. 4:18

We have to look at life from the eternal viewpoint not this short and finite life on earth. Jesus sought to break people free from the mortal earthly life to the heavenly eternal life. We often get so busy in life that we forget that it not only has an expiration date, but its intrinsic value is dull and empty compared to the heavenly reality of everlasting life! We are to live our life on earth with a focus on heaven. He said he went away to prepare a place for us, not on earth but in heaven:

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” 1 Corinthians 2:9

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.” Heb. 11:16

Prayer, fellowship, God's Word, all help to shift our mind from the earth to the spiritual, the kingdom of God and the heavenly abode of God where the saints that have gone before us dwell. As Paul said:

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Col 3:1-2

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Church Theatrics

The church now has multiple showings of the same weekly sermon, sort of like showtimes of your favorite movie so you can go when its best convenient for you! Even better, (cough, cough) the church has adopted the streaming method so now you don't even need to go at all! They have preachers preaching simultaneously to multiple satellite churches on large screens and the only thing missing is the popcorn! It used to be that churches hired choir directors, but now they are looking for Music directors, Sound directors and Lighting directors! (Maybe the big donors can be the Producers?) And the award goes to...! 

During worship they have even replaced the cloud of glory with a fog machine! (I'm not kidding! I've seen it!) Some have light shows that dance to the thumping music and the worship team are all hired professionals that think they are doing a concert. (I'm surprised they're not asking for autographs... maybe if you by their CDs in the back!) But alas, church has become more about being cinematic than being about "sin matters"! 

Why does the church feel the need to copy the world? How do we draw in the people? The church was dying in the dark ages so in the medieval days they built colossal cathedrals to bring in the masses. The problem was the poor seldom came in, yet it attracted the affluent and rich people (hmmmm!). Mega churches, satellite churches, campus churches, its all about the masses and less about the message! 

"And you shall raise up the tabernacle according to the pattern of it which was shown you on the mount." -Exo 26:30

Moses was instructed to be careful to build the tabernacle according to the pattern that God had given him. Solomon built the temple according to the revelation given by God to David. The church has a New Testament pattern that we have ignored and instead we either copy one another or the pattern of the world.

It's time for the church and its leaders to repent and come back to the simplicity of Christ and the sublime message of the gospel instead of regurgitating the same copy off of! Faith is about fellowship not livestream, or facetime, or YouTube reruns of Sundays service! Church today is no different than the Roman coliseum. It's just a spectator sport except the Christians are being sacrificed in the stands not the arena! We must stop with the church theatrics otherwise it just may go the ways of the movies and not just the drive ins. More and more movie chains are shutting down because people can just stay at home and be entertained without any social interaction. The world is getting more wicked, perverse and immoral, while the church has lost its salt. We need to be a light to the world, not mimic its darkness. Maybe it's not the masses we need, but the few. Like Gideon, we need to choose the right fighters, instead of the whole useless army! Funny how after the pastors began building their mega churches, the pandemic closed them down. Hmmm!

“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" 1 Peter 4:17

Yet many went back to rebuilding their little kingdoms again. People keep saying that what we need is a revival but maybe what we really need is a remnant! Maybe! Just maybe, before we start cooking again, we need to just get the leaven out!  Let's turn off the fancy lights, worship him in spirit and truth and open up the Word of God again and teach the people about Jesus!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Ear Gate and the Eye Gate

There are two main entrances into our inner man, the eyes and the ears. Both God and the devil them to speak to the spirit of man. What we see and what we hear often form who we become. For that reason, we must be wise and cautious concerning both what we see and what we hear. That which we see and hear effects our thinking, our emotions, and our believing. We have five physical senses that connect us to the physical realm but only the eyes and ears can connect us to the spiritual realm. Perhaps that is why God gave us two eyes and ears while we only have one mouth, one nose etc. Perhaps the two represent the connection to the two realms.

In scripture it often speaks of God opening our eyes and opening our ears. Seers of old were given visions and often the prophets heard the “word of the lord” that is God spoke to them. Man lives in in a 3-dimensional physical realm, but the truth is, there is also a spiritual realm where God, angels, demons, Satan, the redeemed saints and the unsaved lost dwell. This realm is so vast that the scripture says concerning just the heavenly realm: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” 1 Cor. 2:9. Again the two gate are mentioned here declaring that all that man could see on earth or the heaven or hear or believe could not be compared to the scope, beauty and glory of heaven.


There is a principle that few Christians grasp, which is that although both Satan and God desire to communicate to man through his eyes and ears God prefers to use the ears first and Satan prefers to use the eyes first. We will see this through many examples in the scriptures.

The eyes and ears are likened to gates, doors or even windows because they open up to either let things in or let things out. They are two-way portals connecting the spirit or soul of man with the spiritual realm. The Eyes and Ears are the spiritual connection and means of communication between the physical and spiritual. Satan who knows this, has used this with mediums, occultic practices, witchcraft and even false prophets. The war between good and evil, Angels and demons and God and Satan are being fought in the arena of man’s heart, mind and soul and they both are speaking to the ears of man and the eyes of humanity to draw man to one side or the other. How do we discern who is speaking and who is revealing what? The bible says that in the last days many would be deceived. It is not God who deceives but Satan and Satan often will appear as an angel of light (or an innocuous serpent in a garden). If our first parents were deceived what hope is there for any of us. There is a pattern and when we recognize it, we can determine its source.


I once heard Chuck Missler say that God's portal is often through the ear but Satan's portal is usually through the eyes. This really struck me profoundly and provoked me to search the scriptures to see if this pattern existed. First, I went to Genesis and looked at the very first words of the bible and made an interesting discovery. It says that “And God said... (That is he spoke. The audible came forth first) let there be light.” then it says "And God saw that the light was good!” He Said then he saw. The audible came before the visual. He continues with creation with this pattern “He said let there be... and He saw that it was good." There it was. In everything he created He said first, then He saw!

Words are sound waves and are meant for hearing. No doubt the angels heard the words first and then saw Gods creation. God spoke. This is not for the eye but for the ear. What we hear is based upon sound waves what we see is based upon light waves. More on that later. So sound waves came before light waves.

Next I went to the end of the bible and in the last chapter of the book of Revelation John says “I John, am the one who heard and saw these things." Notice the order. Though some translations have this reversed, most translations always put hearing before seeing. The Greek word for heard is akouo, which means to hear, to understand to perceive by the ear what is said, to comprehend. This is more than physically hearing, it is understanding and comprehending what is being said.

The Greek word here for saw is blepo, which means to see, discern with the bodily eye, to perceive by use of the eyes, to look and discover. Again, this is more than just seeing physically but entails understanding and perception.

John says in the first chapter of Revelation

“I John, your brother and partaker with you in tribulation and kingdom and patience which are in Jesus, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet saying, What thou seest, write in a book and send it to the seven churches: unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamum, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And having turned I saw seven golden candlesticks; and in the midst of the candlesticks one like unto a son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about at the breasts with a golden girdle.” Rev. 1:9-13

John first heard a voice then he saw the Lord. This pattern is often repeated in the scriptures. God spoke to Abraham to call him out of the land of Ur than later appeared to him. (Gen.12: Gen. 17:1)

God first speaks to Moses in a burning bush and then reveals himself on Mt. Sinai. (Gen 3:4, Ex. 24:9,100

We often hear the term “Seeing is believing” The truth actually is “Hearing is believing”. The scripture says "Faith (believing) comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17

With the Lord, usually first comes the hearing and then comes the seeing. The audible first, the visual second. Someone once said “Often faith comes from hearing and doubt comes from seeing”. The Twelve Spies saw the giants in the land and it caused doubt. Let’s first look at the eye gate and how this is the first choice for the enemy to sow deceptive and doubt and gain entrance into the heart of man.


“...For everything in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the
pride of life--comes not from the Father but from the world.” 1 John 2:16

Interestingly the scripture warns against the lust of the eyes. It doesn’t say the lust of the ears. Something about what we see is enticing, stimulating and provocative. It is often the clincher in the deal with sin. In the book of Genesis although the serpent planted doubt in Eve about the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil it wasn't till she looked upon it and the scripture say:

“And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat.” Gen. 3:6

David was a man after Gods own heart but he was a man. After many years of obedience to God and being persecuted first by King Saul and then his own son Absalom, he became king. While everything was going well he walked up to his balcony and saw Bathsheba bathing on her rooftop. He called for her and slept with her and when she got pregnant he had her husband killed. This cost him his child and had he not repented it could of cost him his kingdom if not more. All because of the “lust of the eyes.

Satan loves to put things before the eyes of man to trip him up or lure him into traps. There is also a saying that says “Looks can be deceiving.” Abraham's nephew Lot had the choice of land for his herd and picked what looked like the best land for himself in the Jordan Valley which was well watered leaving the remainder for Abraham. However, the Jordan Valley contained the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot pitched his tent near Sodom. Eventually we find him living in the city with his wife and daughters. We know the story. The city was so wicked the Lord sent angels to pull his family out before he destroyed it but he lost his wife in the end. Abraham gave Lot the choice but what looked to good to the eyes, ended up being to his own great loss!

One of the ten commandments deal with coveting. This pertains to the lust of the eyes. It is desiring what others have or to have something you shouldn't have. The dictionary says coveting means: to yearn to possess or have something; to feel desire for what belongs to another.

Naaman came to the prophet Elisha to be cured of Leprosy. Elisha told him to go to the Jordan river and dip himself in it 7 times and he would be healed. Eventually he did so and returned to offer the prophet a gift of ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold, and ten changes of clothing. Elisha refused any payment so Naaman left. Elisha's servant Gehazi however went after Naaman and asked for some silver and 2 changes of clothing which he got. When he returned to Elisha the prophet said “Did not my heart go with you when the man turned back from his chariot to meet you? Is it time to receive money and to receive clothing, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male and female servants? Therefore, the leprosy of Naaman shall cling to you and your descendants forever.” Gehazi coveted with his eyes and ended up with leprosy. Probably not wise to take a leper’s clothes!

“For everything in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--comes not from the Father but from the world.” 1 John 2:16

When Jesus was in the wilderness the devil tempted Jesus with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life (self-preservation). After 40 days of not eating he tempted him to turn stones into bread which he could do (lust of the flesh). He tempted him to cast himself off the temple wall to see if the angels would preserve him (pride of life). Then in Matthew it tells how he tempted him with the lust of the eyes:

“Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me. Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.”.
Matthew 4:8-11

Jesus saw the kingdoms of the world under Satan's control and was offered them. This was a real desire otherwise it wouldn't be a temptation. Perhaps Satan was offering all of mankind without the need of redeeming it. This would indeed be a temptation because then Jesus wouldn't have to go to the cross. But the cost would be bowing down and worshiping His creation; the fallen one, the rebel angel who had caused a war in heaven. Jesus refused and the devil left.

The eyes were created by God and they are not evil. They are however vulnerable. We are to be careful what we set before them and put a guard over them. Psalms says: “I will set no wicked thing before my eyes.” (Psa. 101:3); “Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity (Psa 119:37).


Today, television and the internet is full of filth for the eye with sex, homosexuality and porn feeding the lust of the eyes and body. We must return to Gods word and put our eyes on it so we can listen to Him speak to our heart again,

When men discovered how to send wireless signals through the air in the 1800s it led to a transmitter and receiver and the radio was invented. It was the first device to allow for mass communication both nationally and international. In the 1900 it further developed and radio programs were broadcasted to nearly every home. It initially broadcasted variety shows, music and gospel programs. After World War Two it expanded to Comedy and Sports. Interestingly in the 30's and 40's many people were building their own radio kits and the government came in to regulate the industry dictating who could build transmitters and who could build receivers.

Families would sit around the radio in the evenings and listen to a variety of clean shows including many Christian programs. In the late 40s, TV was invented and in 1946 there were only 6 TV stations in the nation. So again, First came the radio then the TV. The radio actually brought the family together and entertained and informed them and was fairly clean. Even TV initially was censored often by Pastors and religious groups. But Hollywood grew and they kept pushing the envelope and eventually stopped all censorship. They created a Rating system leaving the censorship up to the recipient not the source. Bad idea!

As stated earlier, the radio and television operated by the usage of a transmitter and a receiver! It is the same basis as Alexander Bells telephone but without wires. Marconi is credited for inventing the radio, perfecting the long-range radio and ultimately the wireless telegraph. Radio waves are simply invisible light waves. Marconi initially used a transmitter and receiver to send a radio signal to ring a bell at a distance without wires. This was limited to short and long sounds, dots and dashes and thus he used Mores code to develop the telegraph (Side note but interesting: eventually the telegraph was installed on luxury liners and the Titanic and rescue boats communicated by it causing the Postmaster general of Britain to say “Those who have been saved, have been saved through one man, Mr. Marconi...and his marvelous invention.”). Marconi was offered free passage on Titanic before she sank, but had taken Lusitania three days earlier so he could get paper work done.

Today TV and Movies and the internet appeal to the eyes and are causiing an increase in sin, ungodliness and deception. We must seek the Lord fervently in prayer so that we can hear his voice again. LET THE EAR GATE DOMINATE THE EYE GATE. Close your eyes to the world and open your ears to the him who says “My sheep know my voice!" Let us be careful what we see and be mindful of what we hear! 

"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." Rev. 3:22

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Satan is a Three Time Looser.

Satan is either not too bright or just self-deluded because he thought and still thinks that he can defeat God. But Satan is a three time Looser. In the Scripture we see three major losses for the self-deluded one!

The first time was the fall of Satan and expulsion from Heaven. We learn this in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. Satan, originally Lucifer, was a very bright guy. The name means Morning Star or Shining one (see what I did there?) The literal translation in Hebrew means light bearer or light bringer (Funny, now he is called the prince of darkness!) We see that Lucifer was one of the highest created angels and originally created with great beauty and perfection:

“You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty…” Eke 28:12-13

He had authority, possibly over a third of the angels and the scriptures hint that he may have been the worship leader in Heaven. At any rate, something happened, and he looked in the mirror one too many times and He developed and ego! Now mister Narcissus thought he should be worshipped and so started talking to the other angels behind God’s back (As if that is possible). Ultimately, he led a rebellion, and he and a third of the angels were banished from heaven and fell to the earth…Looser!

The second time Satan lost, was on earth. Satan naturally was mad at God so when he saw God made man he thought he could get even with them by tempting Adam and Eve in the garden. Initially his scheme seemed successful. But God said a great Deliverer would come and redeem man and make a place for him in Heaven. Satan didn’t like the fact that man could ultimately live eternally in heaven but He couldn’t. So, his plan was to kill the redeemer. He waited for thousands of years and when Jesus appeared on earth he knew he was the Son of God and decided he would kill him so that Jesus could not redeem man. Satan would get even with God! Well we know how the story goes.

At first, he thought it was going to be easy, after all he had the oratory skills of Obama! He tried to get Jesus to jump of a cliff saying the angels would catch him! When that didn’t work, He tried to kill him in a storm while he was sleeping in a boat. Finally, Mr. I am a Genius got the religious leaders, false witnesses and an angry mob to crucify him on the cross. Jesus was killed and Satan thought he won. But, three days later, we know how that ended. Satan…again a Looser.

The third time is a charm. They say when your drowning, you might as well give up when you go down the third time! Satan is going down! Satan lost to Jesus but Jesus went away for a while. And you know what they say, When the Master is away the Devil plays. Satan thinks he is going to get even with God by corrupting mankind and he is doing a pretty good job of it. He couldn’t rule heaven so he wants to rule earth. Ultimately, as he took the form of a serpent to beguile our first parents, he will take on the form of man known as the Antichrist and will rule the planet….at least for seven years. After that, Jesus comes back for a thousand years, and Satan is locked up. Now after a thousand years Jesus lets Meathead out. Does he repent? Does he feel sorry for what he did? Has he spent the last thousand years pondering his mistakes. Does he have any regrets and is he now contrite? No! Satan tries to lead one last rebellion. One last ditch to get after Jesus and his heavenly creator. But God has him and his followers thrown into the Lake of fire for eternity. Satan, your such a Looser!

Why do people follow him? When Lucifer fell his name was changed to Satan. Satan means adversary, enemy or one who opposes. He opposes man and God and though he thought he could win in the end, he ultimately will be a three time looser!

Wednesday, April 13, 2022


Should Christians Care about Freedom of Speech?

First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


“Live like free people. But don’t use your freedom to cover up evil.
Live like people who serve God.” 1 Peter 2:16 (NirV)

It seems like daily out freedoms seem to be eroding. In the name of safety, mask and vaccine mandates are imposed by governments. Big tech censors, blocks, restricts and removes those who do not agree with them because it simply violates their rules of conduct. The main stream media is anti-conservative and anti-Christian and pretty much the arm of the leftist ideology. The Canadian government shut down truckers fighting for freedom of choice and recently passed a law virtually putting all news sources under government control to stop any dissent.

Should Christians care about freedom of speech? They better! The main vehicle for the gospel of Christ is speech! We are told to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every nation, but Satan is using governments and Social media to stop that ability more and more. The great preachers of old preached in outdoor meetings, or in the public square or tents and released some of the greatest Christian revivals in history. Today that is hardly possible. Freedom of assembly? No, you have to have a permit. House church? No, it is not properly zoned. And recently Covid became an excuse to down many churches.

As Christians we are called to speak the truth in love! But many get so-called fact checked and canceled by the social platforms for doing just that! Speak the biblical truth about homosexuality and you are branded a homophobe and blocked. Speak the truth about gender and you are labeled Trans hater and bigoted and suspended or removed.. The sad fact is many Christians give up or worse are pressured and deceived into compromising and accepting what God has forbidden. Satan wants to silent your voice! 

The prophet Jeremiah was told by God to stand in the temple courtyard and speak to the people:

“Perhaps everyone will listen and turn from his evil way, that I may relent concerning the calamity which I purpose to bring on them because of the evil of their doings.” Jer. 26:3

It says the priest, the prophets and all the people seized him and said “You Must die”. Jeremiah was simply obeying God and speaking all that the Lord had told him concerning the sins of the nation but it so offended the religious leaders and the people that they wanted to kill him.  Jeremiah’s response:

“The Lord sent me to prophesy against this house and this city all the things you have heard. Now reform your ways and your actions and obey the Lord your God. Then the Lord will relent and not bring the disaster he has pronounced against you. As for me, I am in your hands; do with me whatever you think is good and right.” Jer. 26:12-14

The king and the people again sought to put him to death but one man persuaded them to put him in prison instead. Nevertheless, the words of Jeremiah came true and Nebuchadnezzar came in and attacked the nation and whom he didn’t kill, he took captive to Babylon!

There are many spiritual principles here that we should consider. First the freedom of speech was removed. The religious system had become corrupt. The king and his government rather than accepting the warning of God sought to kill the voice of the prophet. And Jeremiah was faithful to God and spared, but not so the people.

They did the same thing to Jesus. They arrested him, not for anything he did but for something he said. He was called a blasphemer for saying he would destroy the temple (of his body) and declaring that he was the son of God. False witnesses (fact checkers) were called in to twist his words and persuade the religious leaders and government ruler to crucify him.

We still have some rights left but demonic forces and wicked people are seeking to erode them so that they might set up more government control in order to prepare the way for the anti-Christ. Jesus said that we must work while it is yet day for the night comes when no man can work. As darkness in society increases it is imperative that we let the Light of Christ shine and speak the words of the gospel while there is still opportunity!


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Surface Christianity!

Surface Christianity!

“O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how  unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” Rom. 11:33

Today we have too much superficial Christianity. Many Christian have a very shallow relationship with Christ and a rudimentary understanding of his word. We are not quite at the point of a falling away yet, but many could easily head in that direction.

Jesus gave the Parable of the Sower and four soils. The seed was the same, which is the Word of God, but the different soils hindered the seed to flourish. Only one soil was good ground and the others did not allow growth. Though the rocky ground, thorny ground and the wayside were all different, they all had one thing in common. There was no depth. The wayside seed could not even penetrate the soil so was eaten by the birds. The rocky soil had little moisture and allowed a little growth but soon withered away because the rocks prevented the seed from taking root. The thorny ground likewise choked up the roots and prevented them from digging deep into the soil and thus became “unfruitful”.

A plant without deep roots will not flourish and can easily be uprooted. I remember living in Miami when Hurricane Andrew hit. We were fortunate with little damage to our house and it seemed like every third house in the neighborhood suffered great damage. After a horrid night with family staying at our house because it was further inland, some of us went and drove around the neighborhood. The soil in Miami is very sandy and many of the trees had shallow roots and were upended. One man the night of the hurricane, thought it would be safe to chain his trash cans to a large tree outside his house but the tree was completely uprooted and turned upside down. Now his trash cans were hanging in the tree 20 feet up in the air. Another neighbor had a huge tree uprooted and it fell on his house and a large branch penetrated his roof and it now looked like a tree growing out of his living room!

Depth is essential for a tree, plant or even a building to survive in a storm! Most architects will agree that the taller the building the more necessity for a deeper foundation. This is also true for Christianity. The bible talks about being Christians “rooted and grounded (Eph. 3:17).”

Another interesting aspect of the importance of depth is the fact that though the plant, flower or tree is visible, the roots are invisible. That is, they are often hidden.  Its like an iceberg. What you see on the surface is not indicative of what lies beneath! On the surface many Christians can appear to be flourishing. They can go to church every Sunday and be involved in many church activities and yet the rest of the week on the job, home and in all the other areas you don’t see, there might be a different story.

The parable of the sower is not just about a sower, but is also about what is being sowed, where its being sowed and how its being sowed. First Jesus explained the seed is the word of God and this is the starting place. Surface Christianity unfortunately is a product of a superficial gospel rather than the Gospel of Christ and the word of God. Preachers often preach life inspiring stories, self-help sermons, motivational messages or comedic dialog without good Biblical teaching! Entertainment has often replaced edification and rocky worship instead of inspirational devotion. Encounter groups have replaced Bible studies and social issues have replaced the scripture. The Bible says to pray for the laborers for the harvest. Many have plowed the ground but they no longer have the pure seed of God’s Word but instead, a seed that is GMO (Gospel of Mans Origin).

So now we have a threefold problem. A shallow gospel that portrays a superficial Christianity that produces only surface Christians. To produce depth in Christ we must dive deeply int the Word of God. We must instill deep relationships with Christ and we must get his people out of the shallow end of the pool and teach them to navigate the deep waters of the real power of the Holy Spirit!

 “But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.” 1 Cor. 2:10

Jesus confronted the superficial religious system of his day and sought to bring the people out of the temple and into the kingdom. The prophet Ezekiel records the Angel of the Lord measuring the waters that flowed out of the temple (Ezek. 47:1-12). First it was to his ankles, then to his knees, then to his loins and finally so deep he could not cross it. I pray we don’t lose a generation to being a surface Christian but that we would restore the Church and its people back to the depth of God.

Sunday, March 6, 2022


The Parable of the Watchdog!


The dog barked at an inconvenient time and the owner arose and scolded his dog then went back to sleep! The dog barked again a second time even louder and the owner arose and beat the dog and then went back to sleep. The dog was relentless and barked a third time louder and harder and the angered owner arose and muzzled the dog and threw him out. The dog struggled to bark but could not and an invader broke in and robbed the house and killed the owner. Three times the dog tried to warn his Master and three times he was reproved. Three times he sounded an alarm and three times he was scolded, beaten and muzzled and finally thrown out. The faithful servant sought to protect his owner of danger, but his master played the fool and dismissed the warning and lost all he had, including his life!

 “But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into!” Luke 12:39

Saturday, March 5, 2022


Pray for those in Authority!


History proves that hardship and suffering of the masses are usually due to the decisions of the leadership not the populous! War, economic difficulty and social suffering are usually the results of the direction, policies and decisions of those at the top and those who lead, not those who follow. Leaders have the ability to lead the people into prosperity or poverty, success or failure, peace or war and happiness or hardship. The Bible says:

“My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation." James 3:1, (KJV).

Some versions say “teachers” and “judgement”. This is talking about leaders and their responsibilities. They can teach the truth or a lie. They can lead wisely or oppressively and thus will ultimately receive a greater praise or greater judgement and condemnation. We see the parallel of this truth today both in politics and the Church. God holds the shepherd more responsible than the sheep; the leaders more than those who follow!

It breaks my heart to see the suffering of those who can barely afford gas or food because of the economy created by the present leadership. It pains me to see the death and fear that ravishes the people of Ukraine who suffer because of one man in Russia who hungers for more power.  Most people suffer at the hands of their oppressor, whether domestic or abroad and sadly most Christians suffer too because of both secular and church leadership. We are to pray for the comfort and strength of the people, and we are also called to pray for leaders and those in authority as causation will determine effect.

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior;” 1 Tim. 2:1-3

We are instructed to pray for “all men”, that they might be saved; that they may be blessed and comforted and encouraged. We are also told to pray for those who “are in authority” that they might do right by the people, that they lead in a godly fashion so that the people “may lead a quiet and peaceable life

The Godless create their own environment but the righteous must pray for theirs! God hears and in due time will answer! The children of Israel were once blessed by Egypt and given the best land and lived a quiet and peaceable life under Joseph and Pharaoh. But Joseph died and a new Pharaoh arose and then the Israelites became slaves and cruelly oppressed for 400 years! When the people had enough and cried out to God, He sent Moses to deliver them from their tyranny!

The pattern of the old Testament is clear. When Israel had a righteous and godly king, the nation did well and was blessed and at peace with their enemies. But when the king was wicked, the people fell into sin and compromise and they soon were oppressed by their leaders and their enemies.

God raises up Kings and deposes kings (Daniel 2:21). He is sovereign and does all things according to His will, but often he waits until his people repent and turn from their wicked ways and then hears from heaven and responds to their prayers. Now is a time for us as the church to get right with God and to pray for pastors and elders to quit playing silly religious games and then we can turn our effectual, fervent prayers towards those who lead the nations that the oppressors be brought low and that the righteous step in. Pray for Biden and Putin, that they either lead rightly and responsibly or be replaced by those who will. God has put a simple condition on the welfare of our lives: “If my people Pray”!


“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth— he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do. No king is saved by the size of his army, no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death, and keep them alive in famine. Psa. 33:12-19