Sunday, March 6, 2022


The Parable of the Watchdog!


The dog barked at an inconvenient time and the owner arose and scolded his dog then went back to sleep! The dog barked again a second time even louder and the owner arose and beat the dog and then went back to sleep. The dog was relentless and barked a third time louder and harder and the angered owner arose and muzzled the dog and threw him out. The dog struggled to bark but could not and an invader broke in and robbed the house and killed the owner. Three times the dog tried to warn his Master and three times he was reproved. Three times he sounded an alarm and three times he was scolded, beaten and muzzled and finally thrown out. The faithful servant sought to protect his owner of danger, but his master played the fool and dismissed the warning and lost all he had, including his life!

 “But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into!” Luke 12:39

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