Satan is a Three Time Looser.
Satan is either not too bright or just self-deluded because he thought and still thinks that he can defeat God. But Satan is a three time Looser. In the Scripture we see three major losses for the self-deluded one!
The first time was the fall of Satan and expulsion from Heaven. We learn this in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28. Satan, originally Lucifer, was a very bright guy. The name means Morning Star or Shining one (see what I did there?) The literal translation in Hebrew means light bearer or light bringer (Funny, now he is called the prince of darkness!) We see that Lucifer was one of the highest created angels and originally created with great beauty and perfection:
“You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty…” Eke 28:12-13
He had authority, possibly over a third of the angels and the scriptures hint that he may have been the worship leader in Heaven. At any rate, something happened, and he looked in the mirror one too many times and He developed and ego! Now mister Narcissus thought he should be worshipped and so started talking to the other angels behind God’s back (As if that is possible). Ultimately, he led a rebellion, and he and a third of the angels were banished from heaven and fell to the earth…Looser!
The second time Satan lost, was on earth. Satan naturally was mad at God so when he saw God made man he thought he could get even with them by tempting Adam and Eve in the garden. Initially his scheme seemed successful. But God said a great Deliverer would come and redeem man and make a place for him in Heaven. Satan didn’t like the fact that man could ultimately live eternally in heaven but He couldn’t. So, his plan was to kill the redeemer. He waited for thousands of years and when Jesus appeared on earth he knew he was the Son of God and decided he would kill him so that Jesus could not redeem man. Satan would get even with God! Well we know how the story goes.
At first, he thought it was going to be easy, after all he had the oratory skills of Obama! He tried to get Jesus to jump of a cliff saying the angels would catch him! When that didn’t work, He tried to kill him in a storm while he was sleeping in a boat. Finally, Mr. I am a Genius got the religious leaders, false witnesses and an angry mob to crucify him on the cross. Jesus was killed and Satan thought he won. But, three days later, we know how that ended. Satan…again a Looser.
The third time is a charm. They say when your drowning, you might as well give up when you go down the third time! Satan is going down! Satan lost to Jesus but Jesus went away for a while. And you know what they say, When the Master is away the Devil plays. Satan thinks he is going to get even with God by corrupting mankind and he is doing a pretty good job of it. He couldn’t rule heaven so he wants to rule earth. Ultimately, as he took the form of a serpent to beguile our first parents, he will take on the form of man known as the Antichrist and will rule the planet….at least for seven years. After that, Jesus comes back for a thousand years, and Satan is locked up. Now after a thousand years Jesus lets Meathead out. Does he repent? Does he feel sorry for what he did? Has he spent the last thousand years pondering his mistakes. Does he have any regrets and is he now contrite? No! Satan tries to lead one last rebellion. One last ditch to get after Jesus and his heavenly creator. But God has him and his followers thrown into the Lake of fire for eternity. Satan, your such a Looser!
Why do people follow him? When Lucifer fell his name was changed to Satan. Satan means adversary, enemy or one who opposes. He opposes man and God and though he thought he could win in the end, he ultimately will be a three time looser!
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