On January 8th I wrote: on Facebook:
we all know the media lies non stop or jumps to conclusions before
any facts are released but now I think its time for Christians to
come clean. All those so called prophets on tv, YouTube, Facebook and
church streaming who were adamant about Trump winning this election
need to repent and admit that you did not hear from God! Many big
named people and prominent Christians prophesied that he would win
the election and when he did not they said he would be in by
Christmas and when that did not happened they said God was going to
put him back in office by the inauguration and sadly even though
Trump himself has withdrawn his lawsuits against Georgia and other
places and has promised a smooth transition you still cling to your
false hope!. I wanted Trump to win too but left it up to the will of
the people and God! True prophets would say that like as He did with
Israel, God sets up a good king or bad king depending on the will of
the people, and the righteousness of the nation. I still believe
there was allot of voter fraud and wickedness involved but perhaps it
is a time for judgment not justice!.
to my Christian friends that are clinging to the lies of Q! Fifteen
times Q has lied and predicted falsely and most recently said when
Biden was hiding in his basement that Trump had him in house arrest
and was ready to call out the militia to take over the presidency.
That obviously was false so what will it take for you to see that
this too is a false prophet. It is sad enough to see the country
being deceived daily by a news media that uses propaganda to sway the
opinions of the masses but we Christians should know better. Wake up
and be be careful of the many voices out there and seek the truth
that comes by the Spirit of truth!
Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads
you." Matt 24:2
It is now mid February and Biden has
been set in as president and Trump has moved out so now because so
many false prophecies have shaken the faith of many believers, I am
going to name names.
Mark Taylor rightly predicted that
Trump would be elected in 2016 but was it a guess or a word from the
Lord. I do not know but he was wrong about other things: He said the
press would start to agree with him. That never happened. They were
always against him! He said Obama would be imprisoned? He said the
Clinton's would be judged! He also said under Trump, five Supreme Court
justices would be replaced and Roe vs Wade would be repealed! None of
this happened. He also said that Trump would serve two consecutive
terms which now is evident that this is false!
Others who adamantly predicted a two term presidency for Trump were Kat Kerr who still is holding on to that hope, Patricia King, Pastor Jeff Janson, Chuck Pierce, Paula White, Kris Valloton of Bethel Church, Jeremiah Johnson, Pat Robertson, Pastor Denise Goulet of the International Church, Albert Milton, a popular Christian evangelist on YouTube, Shawn Boltz , Robun Bullock and Sid Roth Just to name a few.
I think to begin with, it seems that many people were simply repeating what they heard from Kim Clement. Clement had a great gift. He played music and the spirit of God came on him and he prophesied. However is was not always accurate. He did prophecy that Trump would win in 2016 and said Trump would serve two terms. He was only partly right about this, and very wrong about many other things during two supposed Trump prophecies. Clement said Trump would not get impeached but he did, He was inaccurate about the Supreme Court Justices that would be set in. Many said he prophecies about the twin towers though he never mentioned it and said “what they did when they flew over Long Island”. The terrorists never flew over Long Island. He said Osama Ben Laden would be captured in 35 days but he was wrong. Kim eventually went to New Zealand to be ministered by Chuck Missler because he knew he had been prophesying falsely and got sick and died not long after of a brain hemorrhage! Yet so many staked the reelection of Trump on Clement's prophecy of two terms. This is what happens when you hear from man and not God!
The buzz word in Christian circles is “How did so many prophets get it wrong? Being a Christian for over 50 years I have seen this pattern before. In the 50's a few great men were gifted with the gift of healing and a healing revival broke out. After awhile tents across the country were littered with faith healers and soon many charlatans took over, Many got exposed and the movement died down.
Perhaps God wanted Trump in office but allowed the will of the people or the wickedness of the nation to alter his plan. Or perhaps he is beginning to judge America and if so, remember judgment begins in the house of the Lord. Maybe He is cleaning house with the so called prophets and driving the people back to trusting in him and not false shepherds, teachers and prophets.
Let me say from experience as one who has moved in the prophetic for years. The Bible says :
“Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be restrained; where there is knowledge, it will be dismissed. “For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial passes away.… “ 1 Cor. 13:8-10
I don't fault sincere men if they sense they get a word because they see in part and may have missed it. But they need to be honest and admit their error! The worst thing is that many Christians can loose their faith from disappointment and being led astray with false hope or worse, stumble and fall!
Sid Roth has hosted most of the so called prophets on his show and had said if Trump doesn't get reelected he would be the first to admit he missed it. He did not do so when Biden got elected or when Trumps lawsuits were being dismissed in the courts. He kept saying even a week after the inauguration that it wasn't over yet when clearly it was! Recently he finally released a video saying he was wrong about Trump being reelected but it was a weak repentance. He said little about all the false prophets he had hosted and quickly shuffled and deflected to a new prophecy of the coming Golden Global Glory movement coming that is supposed to come in 2021 bringing a worldwide revival of repentance. These same prophets have been predicting this for years and saying things are going to get better when the Bible clearly says in the end times, things will get worse not better. Evidently Sid's has not learned to be more cautious of the prophetic! Before Jesus comes two events must happen. One in the world and and one in the Body of Christ. In the world the Antichrist will be revealed but in the church, there will be a great falling away. Jesus warned that generation to be careful not to be deceived and the bible describes it as perilous (or dangerous) times. It seems like we are witnessing the ushering of those days yet so many of the prominent voices are describing world revival and clinging to a false hope of an unbiblical Christian coup! God will clean house before he judges the nations. Its time that the prophets examine themselves and the church get its house together. We need a true Samuel whom God spoke to and fearlessly became God's spokesman to Israel not an Eli who had gotten fat and whos eyes were dim and the word dried up in his old age!
The Spirit of God is still at work in the world but its time we as Christians take stock and examine ourselves and repent and walk with more wisdom and do as the scriptures say:
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thess. 5:21-23
Sobering thoughts here Jerry and a lot to take in. I too warned about "Q", and concerned about Christians being blown about by every wind and doctrine. People sitting in their cars claiming higher intelligence of military operations and massive arrests. One of those Simon Parks from the UK a supposed CIA contact claiming identical things as Q only to find out he was consorting with demons and his claimed 7 ft tall green alien mother. Really christians? This is who you listened to?
ReplyDeleteCombine that with making Trump savior of America, it is no wonder God had to take the election from Trump. I believe the church needs to do some real soul searching in this.